2022-2023 ESSER III/School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic year

Complete ESSER School Funding Plans

Fairfax County Public Schools

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-a-Glance/ESSER III



King Glen Elementary

Region 4

Christine Ritter, Principal

Cindy Agner, Assistant Principal


Background: The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) is a federal grant which requires that spending be used in specific areas.  Part of the Fairfax County Public Schools spending plan identifies funding to be used for Unfinished Learning and Student Academic and Social, Emotional, Mental Health (Wellness) Needs.  Schools have been given funding allocations to support the academic and wellness needs of students.  Schools are required to create plans in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Wellness highlighting the strategies they will use to support these areas using their ESSER III funding.  These strategies are shown below.

English Language Arts

Outcome: Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in English Language Arts.

Goal:  All students will move, at minimum, one range level on the vertical scaled score through the VGA Growth Calculations Chart as outlined by VDOE yielding results of at least 88% (unadjusted) of the students passing the SOL.  

Strategy 1: Develop oral language skills through explicit language instruction and opportunities for talk in both the reading and writing block.

Strategy 2: Use evidence-based literacy practices to explicitly and systematically teach vocabulary and language skills in order to develop comprehension during the core language arts block.

Strategy 3: Provide Tier 2 and 3 instruction as preventative intervention that targets the underlying difficulty impacting the student’s progress in literacy.


Outcome: Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in Mathematics. 

Goal: All students will move, at minimum, one range level on the vertical scaled score through the VGA Growth Calculations Chart as outlined by VDOE yielding results of at least 88% (unadjusted) of the students passing the SOL.

Strategy 1: Shift 4- From show-and-tell toward share-and-compare. Teachers will create a dynamic forums where students share, listen, honor, and critique each other’s ideas to clarify and deepen mathematical understandings and language.

Strategy 2: Shift 6: From teaching so that students replicate procedures toward teaching so that students select efficient strategies. Kings Glen teachers will provide time for students to engage with mathematical problems, developing flexibility by encouraging student selection and use of efficient strategies; teacher provides opportunities for students to evaluate when a strategy is best suited for the problem at hand. 

Strategy 3: Provide enrichment and Tier 2 and 3 instruction that supports student strengths and targets underlying student needs.


Outcome: Ensure students feel safe, included, and supported in the school environment.

Goal: By the end of the 2022-2023 school year, our school will utilize Morning Meeting effectively to build relationships and teach self-management subskills, increasing schoolwide scores on the self-management topic of the SEL Screener by 10% from 40 to 50 percent favorable.

Strategy 1: (Rubric/CASEL Theory of Action Section: Building a Foundation) Set aside protected time to engage in required tier 1 practices schoolwide.

Strategy 2: (Rubric/CASEL Theory of Action Section: Building a Foundation) Develop adults’ foundational knowledge regarding the rationale for required practices and tools to support their implementation.

Strategy 3: (Rubric/Theory of Action Section: Building a Foundation/ Strengthen Adult SEL & Promote Student SEL)  Align content for required practices to student strengths and needs, including relationship skills and self management skills.

Portrait of a Graduate (POG)

Outcome: All students will complete a POG Presentation of Learning (POL) by 2025-26.

Goal: By the end of SY 2022-23: 100% of students will demonstrate increased understanding of POG and an increase in student application of POG attributes as reported on a student survey given at the beginning and end of the year .

Strategy 1: Kings Glen will build an understanding with students, staff, and the community about why POG attributes and skills positively impact students within and beyond school.

Strategy 2: Collaborative teams will align content knowledge and skills with POG attributes and skills.

Strategy 3: Kings Glen will provide a balance of different types of assessments to students in grade 5, to include student-led assessment practices of goal-setting, feedback, and reflection.