Internet Safety


Our Community
March 15, 2018

Guidance lessons this month in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades focused on responsible use of the internet and internet safety.

Many of our students use computers, tablets, and personal cell phones to access academic work, and it is increasingly becoming a part of their social communication.  As a means of supporting and protecting your child, we encourage you to take an active role in monitoring your child’s technology use.  Please talk with your child about their use of technology and their “digital footprint.”  While the amount of time on technology and management of privacy settings are strictly parental decisions, we encourage you to be vigilant as it relates to your child’s online profile.

FCPS has some very helpful information for parents and caregivers. Check here for information from FCPS about privacy and parental settings.

Thank you!

Elaine Stottlemyer

Kings Glen Elementary School Counselor