Support From the Desks of Our Family Service Experts

Our Community
June 02, 2020

From the Desks of Our Counselor, Our Social Worker and Our Psychologist: 


The events over the last week all around our country have been disturbing and especially painful.  So, what does that mean for us at Kings Glen Elementary School? It means we continue as a community of respect, love, and welcome for all. As a school community, we will continue to come together, to work together, and to respect each and every one of us. Kings Glen is a family, and everyone should feel physically and emotionally safe here. We will all make sure that happens. If there are students who need extra support with this, we are here to help!  Please reach out to a teacher, School CounselorSchool Psychologist, or Social Worker


The resources listed below are offered as supports for parents as questions and conversations arise in your homes

National Geographic

Talking to kids about race is external)


National Association of School Psychologists

Supporting vulnerable students in stressful times: "Tips for Parents." is external)

The below bullet points are taken from the "Tips for Parents” from NASP:

  • You can promote a sense of safety for children by doing the following.
  • Set limits around television and social media viewing, because too much exposure can increase fears.
  • Provide a consistent structure and routine for children, as this helps to generate a sense of psychological safety.
  • Provide a safe place for your children to talk about their fears.
  • Encourage healthy and safe coping strategies.
  • Emphasize that there are many adults in this country who care deeply about them and who will do all they can to ensure that children and their families are safe and remain together.
  • Maintain contact with your children’s teachers, as they can connect children with supports inside the school where they can talk through their feelings and reactions.
  • Seek help immediately from your school’s psychologist, counselor, social worker, and/or nurse if your child is experiencing strong emotional reactions and/or you have noticed significant changes to his/her behavior.
  • Immediately report any instances of bullying, harassment, or discrimination that your child observes or experiences to school administrators.
  • Adult reactions can influence children’s’ reactions. Children may look to adults to determine how to respond and cope with stress. You can model appropriate coping strategies in the following ways.
  • Communicate with loved ones about feelings and healthy coping strategies.
  • Take care of your own physical health.
  • Make time to do things you enjoy with family and friends in your community.
  • Access school and community resources. Many schools have parent and/or cultural liaisons who can help connect families to supports in their communities.
  • Help others in your community by referring them to helpful resources.


Mrs Stottlemyer

Ms Baker

Ms Thompson