School Expectations
Kings Glen Expectations
The Kings Glen administration, teachers, and staff are committed to preparing our students for the 21st Century through a child-centered instructional program which expects academic excellence; reinforces character and values; encourages the prevention of gang activity, violence, vandalism, drug use, and crime; appreciates multiculturalism and tolerance; and fosters improved self-concept, school climate, achievement, and discipline. We believe that children have the right to learn and teachers have the right to teach in an environment which is safe and conducive to the process of teaching and learning.
The entire Kings Glen staff firmly believes that through our joint efforts (home and school) we can build a positive school community and guide children toward self-discipline and those attributes desirable for growing children - honesty, respect, responsibility, and caring. Although children have a responsibility to behave in such a manner that it does not interfere with the safety and welfare of others, it is the overall responsibility of parents to ensure this occurrence.
At our school, teachers and staff join in this responsibility by creating and maintaining a positive school community. The Code of Virginia (SS 22.1-279.3) and FCPS regulations expect that this joint responsibility begins at the time a student leaves home for school and extends until his/her return. It is the responsibility of parents and students to report to the school administration or a school staff member any behavior that might endanger the safety and well-being of others.
Student Responsibilities and Rights (Regulation 2601.12P) - To achieve the goal of providing education of the highest quality, the Fairfax County School Board has defined the responsibilities and rights of students in all schools in the booklet, "Student Rights and Responsibilities". This booklet, available in the school office, is given to all students at the beginning of the year and whenever new students arrive. The information contained in the booklet is reviewed with all students by their teacher and the administration at the beginning of each school year and on a quarterly basis by the administration. Students are tested to ensure complete understanding of the contents of this regulation. Parents are provided a form, "Parent Signature Sheet -- Acknowledgement of Parental Responsibility!" as part of the FCPS Student Responsibility and Rights" handbook. Parents are expected to sign the form for each child at Kings Glen and return it promptly.
The development of self-discipline and respect for self and others are considered critical to the developmental process of upper elementary school students. Our school rules take these developmental needs into consideration while supporting our commitment to provide a safe environment for students which fosters mutual respect for individuals in the process of teaching and learning.
Our expectations are highlighted below.