Making Sandwiches for Hypothermia Shelter By Photo Articles February 11, 2020 Share Page Students help to make sandwiches. Students help to make sandwiches. Teacher reminds students of steps to create sandwiches Teacher reminds students of steps to create sandwiches Teacher and students make sandwiches for a shelter in Fairfax County Teacher and students make sandwiches for a shelter in Fairfax County Student uses skills from reading to make sandwiches Student uses skills from reading to make sandwiches Students use a line to create sandwiches for Hypothermia Shelter Students use a line to create sandwiches for Hypothermia Shelter Teachers and students work together to make sandwiches Teachers and students work together to make sandwiches Students make sandwiches for a Fairfax County Hypothermia Shelter Students make sandwiches for a Fairfax County Hypothermia Shelter Teachers and students pose for a picture Teachers and students pose for a picture PreviousNext