Marketplace 2018
June 13, 2018
5th graders held the Annual Market, today. It was the end of a learning experience that featured all the aspects of being entrepreneurs. Students first worked in teams to plan, design and create items to sell at "the market". They incorporated personal skills and interests in their work. Items they made included origami, bath salts, jewelry, games, drawings and stories and many other unique clever gadgets.
Once created, they were on to the marketing step. Posters were developed and hung about the school and on sales stands (their desks). They were allowed to both hawk their wares and buy from peers. Many employed clever sales techniques like "two-fers", discounts or bonus games. One team even successfully sold "bags of nothing".
When the market closed they shared experiences and discussed income vs expense and profit. The lessons students learned in this fun experience will carry over into many of life's future endeavors.